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By Monnie Nilsson
The Denver Post

In a world that increasingly skips paper in favor of pixels, libraries are reinventing themselves.

They are transforming into community centers and job banks. They are lending electronically and marketing in ways that dare their commercial bookselling counterparts to stay competitive. They’re even offering to let folks come in and play video games.

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A Ciber Briefing Paper – Commissioned by the British Library and JISC
11 January 2008

Every librarian and faculty member should read the CIBER briefing paper Information behaviour of the researcher of the future. The report focuses on information seeking behavior of students born after 1993 (the Google Generation).

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by Doreen Sullivan
InCite – 1 December 2008

The article discusses the use or non-use of the reference interview when answering questions online citing different opinions from several practitioners including Katie Norton, Elizabeth Deans and Carolyn Boyle. Norton notes that a reference interview is more often given to those patrons who ask for assistance in person, however, Carolyn Boyle states that reference interview was often used. In conclusion, the interview in digital reference may not be dead, but it may just be menaced.

Read the whole article – accessible to subscribers of Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre

by Jill Sodt
Info Career Trends – 2 January 2008

As quickly as technology changes, so does the job of the reference librarian. Where reference work once involved helping library patrons find information in encyclopedias, print journals, and microfilm, it has moved to navigating electronic databases, online journals, and internet searches. The environments where we provide service has also changed, with more virtual contact and less interaction at the physical reference desk.

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